03_12_Nyemplung kali 01 - pegawai TPS saat sedang mengangkat sampah di sungai

SIDOARJO. This morning (6/12) the spirit of PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS)  employees to actively care about the cleanliness of the envir onment worth a thumbs up. At least 35 employees participated in the program "Gerakan Nyemplung Kali" coordinated by Student activity units (UKM) Mapala Ma''arif Hashim Latif University (UMAHA).
"We from TPS participate in social action clean-up river than to give a sense of care and also to coincide with the program of our company that is the Global volunteer week 2016, where every year we send some volunteers to participate in social activities," explained M. Solech, Public Relations TPS.
The event started at 7 am – 12.00 pm attended by Ahmad Makki Ma''arif Foundation, Rector of UMAHA Achmad Fathoni Radhi, and Finance Director of PT TPS Nur Syamsiah, supported by TPS by providing working tools help stanch like scratch garbage, garbage sack, sickle, and the consumption of those who join social activities and also some of TPS employees, added Solech.

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