TPS builds a water point source, namely bore wells that are able to flow through dozens of houses of Sumberwaru villagers

Madura (7/9) – Surabaya Container Terminal (TPS) is back for the community, this time it is the people of Sumberwaru Village, Pamekasan, Madura. Where TPS builds a water point source, namely bore wells that are able to flow through dozens of houses of Sumberwaru villagers. Not only that, TPS also provides water storage reservoirs and builds toilet facilities (bathing, washing, and toileting).

Sumberwaru village was previously a village with very minimal water flow, residents were forced to build their own reservoirs by collecting rainwater in the fields, where the water was used for bathing and household needs, while for drinking and cooking needs, they had to spend more money.

If the dry season, residents are also forced to buy water at a price of Rp. 7,500, - / 1 hour, even for the sake of saving water, residents are willing to take a bath every 2-3 days.

"Yes, if we need water, we have to drink water first, walk about 5 km to get to the water reservoir, and even then when it rains, when it's dry, we have to buy it," said Kosim, one of the community leaders in Sumberwaru Pamekasan village.

But now that difficult time has passed, the presence of TPS in the midst of the community seems to be the right answer to all the prayers they have long hoped for. Residents are happy now that there is no problem with clean water. The drill wells built by TPS are precisely able to supply approximately 60 heads of families (KK) in Sumberwaru village.

Assisted by the Indonesian Zakat Initiative Amil Institute (IZI), TPS built a water source, which at first was not an easy process, to get a point of land that has a water source, thanks to prayers and support from residents, finally the source of the water point can be found and even capable of producing abundant water.

“Alhamdulillah, we are greatly helped by the existence of this water source, residents do not have to walk far, spend extra money, even rarely take a bath, now we can enjoy clean water sources. Thank you TPS”, said

Today (7/8), TPS inaugurated as well as handed over facilities for water sources, reservoirs and toilets to the villagers of Sumberwaru Pamekasan, Madura, attended by the President Director, Director of Finance and TPS volunteers. At that moment TPS also distributed 150 food packages to the residents of Sumberwaru village.

The President Director of TPS expressed his pleasure to be here to help the residents of Sumberwaru village, as we know that water is the main need in human life, of course it is inconceivable how to live with limited water as experienced by the villagers.

"Very grateful, we can be here to help the residents of Sumberwaru village, hopefully this water source can provide benefits for the residents, the cleanliness and health of the residents are also more guaranteed, and a blessing for the TPS," said Abdul Rofid Fanany in his speech at the inauguration of the TPS assistance.

On that occasion, representatives of TPS employees volunteered in distributing basic necessities to the community, but also provided education on clean living to the children of Sumberwaru village, how to wash clean hands and maintain body and dental hygiene. The enthusiasm of the children when participating in the clean living counseling was even more radiant when they received a goodie bag containing toiletries and pastries.

The provision of this assistance is a form of TPS Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) in the development sector, hopefully this drilled well can be used and maintained properly so that it can provide wider benefits.