Sharing session dengan KEJARI

Surabaya (18 April 2023) – As a strengthening of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) within PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS), Monday (17/04), TPS collaborates with the Office of the District Attorney

Tanjung Perak held a sharing session with the theme "Understanding Anti-Corruption Rules for Non Civil Servant".

Taking place in the Java Meeting Room, TPS Administration Building, the event was attended by all workers in the TPS environment, both online and offline. Not only that, several representatives from Pelindo Group companies were also present, namely Pelindo Regional 3, Pelindo Regional Java, Subholding Pelindo Surabaya Container Terminal (SPTP) which is the parent of TPS, Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) and Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia (BJTI). .

In his remarks, Wahyu Widodo as the President Director of TPS said that the holding of this sharing session was a form of TPS' commitment to the anti-corruption movement as part of the corporate cultural values that must be instilled in the person of every BUMN employee.

 "Effective implementation of GCG is a step to prevent, inhibit and make it difficult for someone to commit acts of corruption because GCG has principles such as Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence and Fairness," said Wahyu.

The material for the sharing session was delivered directly by the Head of the Tanjung Perak District Attorney, Aji Kalbu Pribadi, SH, MH. Before starting his material, Aji said that the Tanjung Perak District Attorney was here to jointly TPS and other agencies and business actors in the Tanjung Perak District Attorney's work area to oversee and continuously improve compliance with the law in various forms.

"We want to provide an understanding of the law, which in certain cases is very dynamic in its changes, through legal counseling and legal sharing sessions," said Aji.

In his subtances, Aji said that there are several things that must be considered in preventing acts of corruption, namely (i) Application of regulations and policies to prevent corruption; (ii) Strengthening the function of the corporate internal supervisory unit; (iii) Changes in corporate governance for the effectiveness and efficiency of the service bureaucracy; and (iv) Improvement of the public service system through electronic public services.

Aji also revealed that in his opinion the implementation of GCG has so far been effective in preventing acts of corruption. Legal remedies that are used as a last resort still provide a deterrent effect, this is because they are followed by the imposition of severe sanctions.

As a form of TPS' concern in ensuring that the company is clean, TPS has a Whistle Blowing System (WBS) complaint channel to prevent corruption, bribery and gratuities. Anyone who is aware of corruption, bribery and gratuity practices can submit them to the WBS channel which is supported by evidence of these violations. TPS also guarantees the confidentiality of the reporter's identity.

"Gratification is the root of corruption" is a very familiar phrase echoed in the spirit of eradicating corruption in non-ASN circles, especially in the Pelindo environment. Through this outreach activity, TPS does not stop calling on its employees to continue working responsibly and upholding integrity in carrying out their duties.